AbstractsSession 1 : Tourism, place identity and memory: how tourism helps build place identity 1. Between trauma and Trabant: Inventions, inceptions, and imaginaries of heritage tourism in post-socialist city 2. When Spring meets the unbearable: an auto-ethnography of a non-Jewish visitor to Auschwitz-Birkenau and Plaszow in the shadow of Resnais’ Nuit et Brouillard and of Spielberg’s Schindler’s List 3. Tourists' imaginaries in Japan's wine tourism 4. Imaginations of Tourism, Art, and Politics in the Matsu Islands Chris Cristóbal Chan (University of California, Berkeley) 5. Imagining Millbay Residency: A meta-fiction and narrative story using dialogue journaling. 6. Spectacle of lanweilou(unfinished project), Affective Tourism, and Mediated Mobility: The Case of Dushan in Post-Pandemic China 7. Fact, Fantasy, Fiction: On the “Truth” of Tourist Narratives 8. Romancing the Swallows: Music, Film, and Nostalgic Tourism in San Juan Capistrano, California Kathleen M. Adams (Loyola University Chicago and SOAS, University of London)
Session 2 : Tourism in cinematic fiction 9. Du touriste à l’habitant : mission impossible ? Représentations audiovisuelles d’un touriste malgré lui dans la série Almost Paradise (2020-) Brian Bernards (University of Southern California) Mostafanezhad Mary (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa) 12. The Representation of Residents and Visitors of the Island in Euro-American Cinema Emiel Martens (Utrecht University, Netherlands) 13. The Indian Tourist Comes to Spain: Imaginary, Representation and Values in Movies 14. Super-rich in The White Lotus: privileges, elitism and eccentricity in fictional representation 15. Jacques Tati et la mise en tourisme des lieux, le cas de Playtime et du personnage de Barbara (1967) Bastien Ruaux, (Université de Caen) 16. Playing Princess in NOLA: Fictions, Fandom, and Race in [Disney’s] New Orleans Diana Van Gilder (Lawrence University) Cynthia Van Gilder (Saint Mary’s College of California)
Session 3 Virtual tourism today and yesterday: Forms, reasons and characteristics 17. Vues stéréoscopiques et tourisme virtuel 18. Redéfinir les ancrages spatio-temporels de l’expérience : le tourisme à distance entre imaginaire et réalité 19. Picturing the World: Sekai ryokō bankoku meisho zue as Armchair Globetrotting in Nineteenth-Century Japan 20. Let's Play: Digital Gaming as Tourism Practice Dana R. Herera (Saint Mary’s College, California); Olivia Brophy (University of British Columbia) 21. Perceived restorative quality and well-being of IMAX Dome visitors: The comparison during and after the pandemic 22. Actualiser le passé. Voyage virtuel dans la préhistoire et expérience du temps, l’exemple du site touristique de Lascaux IV et de la vallée de la Vézère. 23. “I felt I was there”: the near-real experience of virtual journeys to sacred places. 24. Experience and interaction: immersive performances and tourists' behavior intentions in cultural tourism projects Wu Xian (Shangai Theatre Academy)
Session 4 Using fiction and imagination to build tourist attractions 25. Les parcs Disneyland face au défi de la supra-fiction 26. The effect of storytelling on guest’s experience in boutique hotels 27. Colombia magical realism: an imagined destination. 28. Imagining and performing “the kingdom of Elfia”: cosplay at a heritage site. Ilja Simons (Breda University of Applied Sciences) Allison Strickland, PhD Candidate (EIREST, University of Paris 1, Pantheon- Sorbonne) 30. Kitchen counter tourism: experiencing the monastic world through cooking 31. Immersive Imaginations: Exploring Tianjin's Historic Concessions with “Time travelling” experiences. 32. Le rêve éveillé des lecteur.trice.s de blogs voyage : Les moyens langagiers et sémiotiques d’une immersion temporelle et spatiale. Eugénie Pereira Couttolenc (Université de Genève)
Session 5. Tourism in literary fiction 33. India as Imaginary Homeland: The Travelling Imagination of Western Tourists in Ruth Prawer Jhabvala’s Travellers (1973) 34. Sight-Seeing the Columbian Exposition: Imaginary Tourists in Tudor Jenks’ The Century World’s Fair and Clara Louise Burnham’s Sweet Clover. 35. Éric Rohmer ou l’art des habiters touristiques Olivier Lazzarotti (Université de Picardie-Jules-Verne) Juliana Santos Menezes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa & the Instituto Federal da Bahia) 37. Faire le tour du Monde d’un trait de plume : tourisme et fiction dans les premiers récits de globe-trotters. 38. Y a-t-il des touristes dans les Voyages extraordinaires de Jules Verne ? 39. Reading Paradise: Imagining Tourism in Postcolonial Hawaiian Literature 40. La série « Enquêtes chez » dans la collection « Moissons noires », La Geste : usages touristiques de la littérature, usages littéraires du tourisme Marie-Clémence Régnier (Université d’Artois)
Session 6 : Tourism's contribution to the construction of imaginary representations of self and otherness 41. Deux petits touristes en Algerie’ (1888) – fictional tourists and colonial tourist imaginary Camila Dazzi (Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro / Federal University of Ouro Preto) 42. The German touristic patterns documented in travelogues and works of fiction Alina Dittmann (University of Applied Science in Nysa, Poland) Ivanne Galant (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Pléiade) Aimée Plukker (Cornell University, Ithaca NY) 45. Les globetrotteurs romands en tant que bâtisseurs de l’identité nationale suisse (fin 19e–début 20esiècle) 46. Eating Indigenousness: Consuming and Imagining Indigenous Foods & Foodways as Slow Food Tourism Practices in East Coast Taiwan 47. Reproduced Pasts: Tourism Imaginaries of Chinese Heritage at the Orchid Pavilion François Jeandillou (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, EIREST) |
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